The different between 3G or 4G is a matter of how much budget do one have for wardrobe door. The commonly used term 4G referred to those door with either glass panel or acrylic panel door without aluminium wrapping over its brim (left picture). It gives a sleek and seamless look to the overall setup. The risk of chipping off its edges is comparably higher than the 3G door (second picture with red arrow). One way to distinguish between glass panel and acrylic panel door will be through the reflected images. Glass panel door gives a straight virtual image whereas a wavy images formed on acrylic panel door. You can easily identify the different by looking at the door panel at an angle. The image formed could tell the different. It also translate into dollar and cent. You pay for it!
Wardrobe door in the 4th generation uses painted glass adhere onto Aluminum frame. Its surface looks exceptionally great when it comes to light reflection. Price of glass that makes the difference. Glasses are relatively more expensive by 30% to make. The hinges used has to be more durable compared to perspex made. The wright of glass is for sure heavier than perspex. This has to be taken into consideration.
Another way to make it will be to use glass panel door a.k.a the 4G door for those door closer to the ceiling. It helps reflect the downlight better than perspex. Those door panel closer to the floor does not reflect light much so no harm using a perspex door panel. It helps save some budget.
Image below showed an example of how the image reflected onto the glass panel is so perfect. One can be easily notice the difference between 3G and 4G glass panel door. A 3rd generation uses reflective Acrylic panel door can be easily notice the different by the wavy image reflected. Again, if you get to compare side-by-side between a 3G and 4G panel door. The 3.5G acrylic panel door looks exactly like 4G door unless you are so meticulous about how reflective images look. Compare the price for 3.5G and 4G and decide which bill fit your budget!
There are many different types of melanine available in the market. Make sure you choose those that are water resistant type. Wood treated with chemical comes with a line of green tint. It prevents swelling in the event water accidentally seep through the wood.
Combination of acrylic and glass should be the trend now in the market. People are moving away from melamine panel for its solid look. Melamine panel door are gradually loosing its market when the price of acrylic and glass is becoming more competitive. Those shinny and glossy look does gave some classy feel.
Melamine panel door are normally used for shoe cabinet or utility cabinet hidden at a corner of a house. It is also an effort to keep the overall costing as affordable as possible.
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